
Important Announcement!

Dear Valued Customers, we would like to inform you that our pharmacy will be closed from July 4th to July 7th. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and encourage you to plan your visits or medication refills accordingly.

Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to serving you.

  • Phone: 972-252-8644
  • Curbside, Pick-Up, and No-Contact Home Delivery Now Available!

a pile of blue pills coming out of a bottle and a condom in the background

An estimated 50 percent or more of medications for chronic conditions, such as high cholesterol and diabetes, are not taken as prescribed.

Medication non-adherence can lead to worsening health conditions, hospitalizations and death. Whatever the reason is for medication non-adherence, we have a solution for you. Ask one of our team members how we can help you today.